You Receive What You Are

For a very long time I’ve been praying for people in my life that just get me. No masks, no judgements, no games. The past year of deeper healing, deeper alignment & consistent becoming and unbecomings I have slowly gained those types of people.

I’ve had frustrations over not having close “non work friends.” But my work is an integral piece of my life, because I don’t just have a job. I serve others with my god given gifts and the business is the byproduct. So why wouldn’t each of the women I hold close in my heart have hands in my business?

I’m stepping into a new level of service, and there is only so much I can hold. But with women like this by my side I know what we can hold together. And that was modeled so beautifully at our last IRL Certification Retreat.

These women held me, each other and the women certifying this weekend in a way I could have never imagined.

Alignment means letting things that don’t fit go, it also means being for yourself what you desire and holding the vision that those desires will manifest.

I prayed for these women, and then I held myself the way they now hold me.

I hope this story inspires you to keep holding the vision for what you desire, start creating it for yourself now.

If you're ready to take your spiritual journey to new heights & have a sisterhood of women who understand you, who will grow and evolve with you, join me inside of Divine Sisterhood, our monthly gathering membership with spiritually curious and connected women! Learn about Divine Sisterhood here & join us for deep soul connection you have been craving.


If I was just getting started in business right now, this is what I would do...​​​​​​​​​


The Different Types of Breath